Thursday, October 28, 2010

Don't Believe in Miracles - Come to Bangkok and Believe!

  Yesterday, our first morning, we awoke to a beautiful view of Bangkok's skyline. Strange, even on the 22nd floor I found a gecko running around in my bathroom! 
Upon entering Nightlight Ministries for morning  worship, Susan leaned over to me and said "this is when you believe in miracles." Looking around the room there were about 80 women, all of whom came out of Bangkok's sex industry or were at-risk, singing with full voices worship songs! Along with such joyous miracles continues the cyclical struggles of a very violent world. Unfortunately we beheld that as well.

  Today jet lag reared its ugly head. Nothing a little coffee, spicy thai food and great conversation with Celeste at Dton Naam ministries couldn't remedy! We began orientation with Dton Naam and will be joining full force tomorrow morning.

  We are excited to continue in partnership with Nightlight and Dton Naam ministries over the next month. Susan will be focusing on Nightlight and Jennifer will be focusing on Dton Naam. 
We will be blogging every few days please keep us in your prayers!

Grace and Peace,


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