It is late so this is a short post. Tomorrow very early in the morning a team of seven of us leaves for Bangkok. We will be doing another Valentine's Day Outreach. If you read the entry I wrote about last year's event, you will see that I hoped to return in 2010 and bring enough valentines and candy to have 1,000 bags to hand out...a huge goal.
Well...we have enough candy and valentines to fill OVER 1,000 BAGS! Thanks to The Point is to Serve Church and the great community group we belong to, I am totally amazed!
I have uploaded a few pictures of our "God Sightings" group packing all our donated items last night. All I can say is WOW.
MORE TO COME...Please pray for our long flight and that everyone arrives safely and feeling well. We will try to blog every day when possible. SUSAN