Well...here we are - the four of us (Allen, Denise, Darrell and I) sitting in the Bangkok airport for another seven hours. I am thrilled to finally get online again.
It has been an amazing time in Bangkok, Kolkata and Nagaland. My heart is so broken...I have cried more tears than on any other trip as I listened to the victims of sex slavery, poverty and oppression share their tragic and very disturbing stories. It was such a blessing to be able to share God's love with them and minister healing prayer. I am even more committed to the cause of ending all forms of trafficking and slavery. ABOLITION!
Visiting special friends at various ministries was such a blessing. I am always so challenged by other women who have chosen to live on the edges of life and bring light into the darkness of sex trafficking and slavery. We visited FREESET in Kolkata www.freesetglobal.com, some of the team from SariBari, NightLight in Bangkok www.nightlightinternational.com, Dton Nam in Bangkok, an emerging ministry with transgender "lady boys", and Miqlat in Dimapur Nagaland. I treasure our friendships and partnerships with these amazing women and ministries.
Our time of teaching and fellowship with the faculty and students of Oriental Theological Seminary in Dimapur, Nagaland was something I will always cherish. We were all blessed! After past trips to Nagaland I always wondered if I would return. This time I know I will...there is so much to do and God is on the move.
Enough said...time to sign out. My head is already spinning as I am starting the reentry process. If you haven't taken the time to view the new website for BE FREE, give it a look. (www.befree58.org) I am so thankful for the team...Jennifer @ BEFREE and Nancy @ BREAKING FREE who have kept everything moving in my absence. There is a lot going on in South Dakota too!