Goi had her baby yesterday. A beautiful little girl she named Benjawan, Ben for short. As you can see by her picture she has chubby cheeks and lots of dark black hair. I can't wait to hold her!
Goi had to have a c-section so we've gone to plan "b" at the house. Since she cannot climb stairs, we moved the dining room set into the living room and set up a nursery and bedroom for Goi and Ben on the main floor. We are fortunate that there is a bathroom on this floor. So, it looks like soon I will be caring for both Goi and the baby. This is definitely turning out to be an unusual Christmas.
I have been wishing for some of your snow and cold. It is very hot and humid in Bangkok right now!
All is well...Darrell comes soon! Being away from home is really difficult but life here keeps me "hopping." Susan