Just a quick update...I am leaving for Ho Ci Minh City, Vietnam on Tuesday. I have been asked to speak at a women's Christmas gathering sponsored by a 'legal" church. What do I mean by this? Vietnam is considered one of the most oppressive environments for Christians in the world today. This church has been given legal status because it is for foreigners. However, they operate with many restrictions such as being denied a pastor. This is a wonderful opportunity for me to share the real meaning of Christmas with many women since the women of the church are allowed to invite guests! It is hard to imagine how many Christians around the world live under terrible persecution for their fatih. In Vietnam Christians are beaten, jailed, denied employment and some have even lost their lives. Many churches have been burned to the ground and pastors imprisoned.
So...I NEED YOUR PRAYERS! I have been given a visa to enter the country. Anie Dieselberg will be going with me but has to return to Bangkok before te event. Pray for our safe entry and departure, of course protection and health while in Vietnam, and most of all discernment about what God wants me to share. This is such a unique experience and for some of these women it may be their only chance to hear and respond to the Gospel story.
I have inserted two photos...Ning,my roommate Sophia (in the purple) and I at NightLight...Annie Dieselberg, Sophia, myself and Beng at our Thanksgiving dinner. We had deep-fried turkey and all the trimmings...almost felt like home!