I have posted a few photos that are among my favorites during this past week in Bangkok and Cambodia. Annie brushing a precious little beggar girl's hair on the street in Phnom Penh...the terrific team of passionate women from LA and Sioux Falls...Charity holding beautiful baby Benji.
Life is amazing and full of incredible God-moments that will be forever etched in my mind. How will I ever forget the little ones begging on the street, women disfigured by battery acid thrown in their face during a revenge attack, young teenage girls sold into prostitution and used by men who have little or no remorse for ruining their lives forever? YES, these images I will never forget!
But I also will remember the young girls who have been rescued, healed and given hope and a new start in life...the women who have been healed physically, emotionally and spiritually...joyous laughter in the halls of NightLight from women who not long ago worked in the bars of Nana Plaza, selling their bodies in order to support their children or to send money home to their families in the villages...and of course the wonderful feeling of holding precious little Benji in my arms knowing that she could have been aborted like so many other children without the ministry of people who cared for her mother.
In the midst of the worst of darkness and depravity...THERE IS LIFE and LIGHT! Susan